
Algorithm structure

sgsR is primarily scripted using the tidyverse, terra package to handle raster processing, and sf package for vector manipulation. Currently, there are 4 primary function verbs that this package uses:

Example data

We demonstrate and provide examples for functions using sgsR internal data. Use the following code to load data for mraster and road access. Follow along on your own device to explore different outputs and better comprehend the package functions.

Metrics rasters - mraster


#--- Load mraster from internal data ---#
r <- system.file("extdata", "mraster.tif", package = "sgsR")

#--- load mraster using the terra package ---#
mraster <- terra::rast(r)

access data

a <- system.file("extdata", "access.shp", package = "sgsR")

#--- load the access vector using the sf package ---#
access <- sf::st_read(a)
#> Reading layer `access' from data source 
#>   `C:\Users\goodb\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpshiRyG\Rinst218c452d5988\sgsR\extdata\access.shp' 
#>   using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
#> Simple feature collection with 167 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 431100 ymin: 5337700 xmax: 438560 ymax: 5343240
#> Projected CRS: UTM_Zone_17_Northern_Hemisphere
terra::plot(access, add = TRUE, col = "black")

From the plot output we see the first band (zq90) of the mraster with the access vector overlaid.

Stratified rasters - sraster

In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate how to produce basic sraster and existing sample data, which will be used in subsequent examples.

To produce sraster, we use strat_quantiles(). This function used the input mraster$zq90 distribution and divides it into 4 equally sized quantiles.

#--- apply kmeans algorithm to metrics raster ---#
sraster <- strat_quantiles(mraster = mraster$zq90, # use mraster as input for sampling
                           nStrata = 4, # algorithm will produce 4 strata
                           plot = TRUE) # algorithm will plot output

After sraster is produced, use sample_strat() to perform stratified sampling within our sraster to generate a representative sample output based on strata.

#--- apply stratified sampling ---#
existing <- sample_strat(sraster = sraster, # use mraster as input for sampling
                         nSamp = 200, # request 200 samples be taken
                         mindist = 100, # define that samples must be 100 m apart
                         plot = TRUE) # algorithm will plot output


The sgsR package leverages the %>% operator from the magrittr package. This allows us to “pipe” operations together to save in the amount of code needed to achieve an outcome. A simple example is demonstrated below.

#--- non piped ---#
sraster <- strat_quantiles(mraster = mraster$zq90, # use mraster as input for sampling
                           nStrata = 4) # algorithm will produce 4 strata
existing <- sample_strat(sraster = sraster, # use mraster as input for sampling
                         nSamp = 200, # request 200 samples be taken
                         mindist = 100) # define that samples must be 100 m apart
extract_metrics(mraster = mraster,
                existing = existing)

#--- piped ---#
strat_quantiles(mraster = mraster$zq90, nStrata = 4) %>%
  sample_strat(., nSamp = 200, mindist = 100) %>%
  extract_metrics(mraster = mraster, existing = .)