has a new feature called the skinSelector()
. This is a JavaScript based widget allowing the end user to change the app skin. According to the dashboardPage()
, there are 6 unique colors with 2 versions, light or dark. Note that the dashboardControlbar()
is the perfect place to host the skinSelector()
since it may be seen as a secondary input (your app may still work without :))
ui = dashboardPage(
header = dashboardHeader(),
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
body = dashboardBody(),
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(collapsed = FALSE, skinSelector()),
title = "Skin Selector"
server = function(input, output) { }
The midnight theme is powered by the corresponding Github project. It provides a plug and play dark theme.
ui = dashboardPage(
skin = "midnight",
header = dashboardHeader(),
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
body = dashboardBody(),
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
footer = dashboardFooter(),
title = "Midnight Skin"
server = function(input, output) { }
Midnight skin overview
This is the fastest option to get a dark design. You’ll see below that the {fresh}
package is able to provide a similar look and feel, with much more options (but more effort).
To activate the material design feature, set md to TRUE in dashboardPage()
. This feature is powered by MaterialAdminLTE, built on top of AdminLTE2 and material design for Bootstrap 3 !
ui = dashboardPage(
md = TRUE,
skin = "blue",
header = dashboardHeader(),
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
body = dashboardBody(),
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
footer = dashboardFooter(),
title = "Midnight Skin"
server = function(input, output) { }
is developed by the dreamRs team. It is built on top of {sass}
, which provides a solid R API to write SASS variables and compile into CSS. {fresh}
captures most of the AdminLTE2 (as well as AdminLTE3 for Bootstrap 4) SASS variables to allow deep customization, hiding all the compilation burden under the hood.
provides an interface to all available AdminLTE colors and allow to overwrite the default. I strongly suggest to avoid setting the default green to blue, as it might become confusing. Instead, it is better to play with color palettes. Similarly, adminlte_sidebar
allows to re-style the sidebar component. The fresh theme below is based on some cyberpunk color palettes.
# create the theme with a cyberpunk color palette
theme <- create_theme(
green = "#3fff2d",
blue = "#2635ff",
red = " #ff2b2b",
yellow = "#feff6e",
fuchsia = "#ff5bf8",
navy = "#374c92",
purple = "#615cbf",
maroon = "#b659c9",
light_blue = "#5691cc"
dark_bg = "#D8DEE9",
dark_hover_bg = "#81A1C1",
dark_color = "#2E3440"
content_bg = "#aaaaaa"
# create tribble for box global config
box_config <- tibble::tribble(
~background, ~labelStatus,
"red", "warning",
"purple", "success",
"green", "primary",
"yellow", "danger",
"fuchsia", "info"
# box factory function
box_factory <- function(background, labelStatus) {
title = "Cyberpunk Box",
collapsible = TRUE,
background = background,
height = "200px",
label = boxLabel(1, labelStatus)
# pmap magic
boxes <- purrr::pmap(box_config, box_factory)
ui = dashboardPage(
freshTheme = theme,
skin = "blue",
options = list(sidebarExpandOnHover = TRUE),
header = dashboardHeader(
type = "messages",
badgeStatus = "success",
from = "Support Team",
message = "This is the content of a message.",
time = "5 mins"
from = "Support Team",
message = "This is the content of another message.",
time = "2 hours"
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
menuItem("Item 1", badgeLabel = icon("heart"), badgeColor = "light-blue"),
menuItem("Item 2", badgeLabel = icon("poo"), badgeColor = "maroon")
body = dashboardBody(boxes),
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
title = "Fresh theming"
server = function(input, output) { }