Getting started with sjSDM: a scalable joint Species Distribution Model

Maximilian Pichler & Florian Hartig, Theoretical Ecology, University of Regensburg



sjSDM is a scalable joint species distribution model based on Monte-Carlo intergration of the joint likelihood.

Getting started

Load the package via


Installing dependencies

sjSDM depends on the Anaconda distribution of python and pytorch. You will get a warning if you don’t have python installed. sjSDM depends on Anaconda which will be installed automatically if it is not available.

To install the CPU version, run:


For the GPU version (NVIDIA GPUs are only supported), run:

install_sjSDM(method = "gpu")

More details on and trouble-shooting for installing the necessary dependencies is explained in the vignette dependencies, call

vignette("Dependencies", package = "sjSDM")

Citing sjSDM

To cite sjSDM in a publication, use


Working with sjSDM

sjSDM has a function to create test data. Here, we create a dataset with 3 environmental predictors, 5 species and 100 sites.

com = simulate_SDM(env = 3L, species = 5L, sites = 100L)

Fitting a model

The model is then fit with the function sjSDM(). You have to provide predictors (can be also a data.frame) and response as matrices.

model = sjSDM(Y = com$response, env = com$env_weights, iter = 100L, se=TRUE)

Interpreting model output

Things you can do with the model output


Adding quadratic predictors and interactions

sjSDM supports formula description for the predictors.

E.g. interaction with intercept and calculate p-values:

model = sjSDM(Y = com$response, 
              env = linear(data = com$env_weights, formula = ~ X1*X2,), iter = 50L, se = TRUE)

E.g. quadratic effect without intercept:

model = sjSDM(Y = com$response, 
              env = linear(data = com$env_weights, formula = ~0+ I(X1^2)), iter = 50L, se = TRUE)

Handling spatial autocorrelation

Simulating spatial data

jSDMs account for correlation between species within communities (sites), in real datasets, however, communities (sites) are often additionally correlated (== spatial autocorrelation).

Let’s first simulate test data: 1) Simulate jSDM without a link (normal response)

com = simulate_SDM(env = 3L, species = 5L, sites = 100L, 
                   link = "identical", response = "identical")
X = com$env_weights
Y = com$response
  1. add spatial residuals (create coordinates and use spatial distance matrix to draw autocorrelated residuals for each species)
XYcoords = matrix(rnorm(200), 100, 2)+2
WW = as.matrix(dist(XYcoords))
spatialResiduals = mvtnorm::rmvnorm( 5L, sigma = exp(-WW))
  1. Finish test data
Ysp = Y + t(spatialResiduals)
Y = ifelse(Ysp < 0, 0, 1) # multivariate probit model

Fitting spatial jSDM

Using spatial eigenvectors as additional predictors is a common approach:

SPeigen = generateSpatialEV(XYcoords)

model = sjSDM(Y, env = linear(X, ~.), spatial = linear(SPeigen, ~0+.), iter = 100L)

Further analyses


Type I analysis of variance for the two/three different components (environment, biotic associations, and space (optional)).

an = anova(model)

Internal meta-community structure

We can also visualize the internal meta-community structure (only for models with space):

plot(an, internal = TRUE)


We can also partition the effects of the different components. This function will be deprecated in future. Please use plot(anova(model), internal = TRUE)

imp = importance(model)


Regularization on abiotic coefficients

sjSDM supports l1 (lasso) and l2 (ridge) regularization: * alpha is the weighting between lasso and ridge * alpha = 0.0 corresponds to pure lasso * alpha = 1.0 corresponds to pure ridge

model = sjSDM(Y = com$response, env = linear(data = com$env_weights, formula = ~0+ I(X1^2),lambda = 0.5), iter = 50L)

Regularization on species-species associations

We can do the same for the species associations:

model = sjSDM(Y = com$response, 
              env = linear(data = com$env_weights, formula = ~0+ I(X1^2),lambda = 0.5),
              biotic = bioticStruct(lambda =0.1),
              iter = 50L)

Regularization on the spatial model:

model = sjSDM(Y, env = linear(X, ~X1+X2), spatial = linear(XYcoords, ~0+X1:X2, lambda = 0.4))

Fitting a non-linear (deep neural network) model

com = simulate_SDM(env = 3L, species = 5L, sites = 100L)
X = com$env_weights
Y = com$response

# three fully connected layers with relu as activation function
model = sjSDM(Y = Y, 
              env = DNN(data = X, formula = ~., hidden = c(10L, 10L, 10L), activation = "relu"), 
              iter = 50L, se = TRUE)

The methods for sjSDM() work also for the non-linear model:

getCov(model) # species association matrix
pred = predict(model) # predict on fitted data
pred = predict(model, newdata = X) # predict on new data

Extract and set weights of model:

weights = getWeights(model) # get layer weights and sigma
setWeights(model, weights)

Plot the training history:


We can also use a non-linear model as a spatial model:

model = sjSDM(Y, env = linear(X, ~X1+X2), spatial = DNN(XYcoords, ~0+X1:X2, lambda = 0.4))

Or for both:

model = sjSDM(Y, env = DNN(X, ~X1+X2), spatial = DNN(XYcoords, ~0+X1:X2, lambda = 0.4))

Fitting other distributions (e.g. species frequencies)

sjSDM supports other responses than presence-absence data: Simulate non-presence-absence data:

com = simulate_SDM(env = 3L, species = 5L, sites = 100L,link = "identical", response = "count") # samples from a Poisson distribution
X = com$env_weights
Y = com$response


model = sjSDM(Y, env = linear(X, ~.), se = TRUE, iter = 50L, family = poisson("log"))

Normal (gaussian)

model = sjSDM(log(Y+0.01), env = linear(X, ~.), se = TRUE, iter = 50L, family = gaussian("identity"))