The soiltestcorr
-package also allows users to implement
the quadrants analysis approach, also known as the Cate-Nelson analysis.
This tutorial is intended to show how to deploy the
function for estimating critical soil
test values based on Cate and Nelson (1965). This approach is also known
as the “graphical” version of the Cate-Nelson analysis. This method
applies an arbitrary fixed value of ry as a target (y-axis) that divides
the data into two categories (below & equal or above ry target). In
a second stage, it estimates the CSTV (x-axis) as the minimum stv that
divides the data into four quadrants (target ry level combined with STV
lower or greater than the CSTV) maximizing the number of points under
well-classified quadrants (II, stv >= CSTV & ry >= ry target;
and IV, stv < CSTV & ry < RY target).
Load your dataframe with soil test value (stv) and relative yield
(ry) data.
Specify the following arguments into the function
(a). data
(b). stv
(soil test value) and ry
yield) columns or vectors,
(c). plot
TRUE (produces a ggplot as main output) or
FALSE (DEFAULT, only produces a list or data.frame),
(d). tidy
TRUE (produces a data.frame with results) or
FALSE (store results as list),
Run and check results.
Adjust plot as desired.
Suggested packages
# Install if needed
library(ggplot2) # Plots
library(dplyr) # Data wrangling
library(tidyr) # Data wrangling
library(utils) # Data wrangling
library(data.table) # Mapping
library(purrr) # Mapping
This is a basic example using three different datasets:
# Example 1 dataset
# Fake dataset manually created
<- data.frame("RY" = c(65,80,85,88,90,94,93,96,97,95,98,100,99,99,100),
data_1 "STV" = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15))
# Example 2. Native fake dataset from soiltestcorr package
<- soiltestcorr::data_test
# Example 3. Native dataset from soiltestcorr package, Freitas et al. (1966), used by Cate & Nelson (1971)
<- soiltestcorr::freitas1966 data_3
RY target = 90%, replace with your desired value
= FALSE It returns a LIST (more efficient for multiple fits at once)
# Using dataframe argument, tidy = FALSE -> return a LIST
fit_1_tidy_false ::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_1,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STV,
target = 90,
tidy = FALSE,
plot = FALSE)
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
utils#> $n
#> [1] 15
#> $CRYV
#> [1] 90
#> $CSTV
#> [1] 4.5
#> $quadrants
#> q.I q.II q.III q.IV positive negative
#> 1 0 11 0 4 15 0
#> $X2
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
#> data: data.frame(row.1, row.2)
#> X-squared = 10.322, df = 1, p-value = 0.001314
#> $anova
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: y
#> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#> xgroup 1 843.21 843.21 26.367 0.0001917 ***
#> Residuals 13 415.73 31.98
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
= TRUE It returns a data.frame (more organized results)
# Using dataframe argument, tidy = FALSE -> return a LIST
fit_1_tidy_false ::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_1,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STV,
target = 90,
tidy = TRUE)
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
utils#> n CRYV CSTV quadrants.q.I quadrants.q.II quadrants.q.III quadrants.q.IV
#> 1 15 90 4.5 0 11 0 4
#> quadrants.positive quadrants.negative R2
#> 1 15 0 0.6697782
You can call stv
and ry
vectors using the
The tidy
argument still applies for controlling the
output type
fit_1_vectors_list ::cate_nelson_1965(ry = data_1$RY,
soiltestcorrstv = data_1$STV,
tidy = FALSE)
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
fit_1_vectors_tidy ::cate_nelson_1965(ry = data_1$RY,
soiltestcorrstv = data_1$STV,
tidy = TRUE)
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
fit_2 ::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_2,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STV,
target = 90,
tidy = TRUE)
utils#> n CRYV CSTV quadrants.q.I quadrants.q.II quadrants.q.III quadrants.q.IV
#> 1 137 90 23 11 67 9 50
#> quadrants.positive quadrants.negative R2
#> 1 117 20 0.3936824
fit_3 ::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_3,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STK,
target = 90,
tidy = TRUE)
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
utils#> n CRYV CSTV quadrants.q.I quadrants.q.II quadrants.q.III quadrants.q.IV
#> 1 24 90 48 0 12 4 8
#> quadrants.positive quadrants.negative R2
#> 1 20 4 0.7066536
Note: the stv
column needs to have the same name for
all datasets
<- dplyr::bind_rows(data_1, data_2,
data.all %>% dplyr::rename(STV = STK),
data_3 .id = "id") %>%
::nest(data = c("STV", "RY")) tidyr
# Run multiple examples at once with map()
= data.all %>%
fit_multiple_map ::mutate(mod_alcc = purrr::map(data, ~ soiltestcorr::cate_nelson_1965(ry = .$RY,
dplyrstv = .$STV,
tidy = TRUE)))
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
utils#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#> id data mod_alcc
#> <chr> <list> <list>
#> 1 1 <tibble [15 × 2]> <df [1 × 10]>
#> 2 2 <tibble [137 × 2]> <df [1 × 10]>
#> 3 3 <tibble [24 × 2]> <df [1 × 10]>
Alternatively, with group_map, we do not require nested data.
However, it requires to dplyr::bind_rows and add an id
column specifying the name of each dataset.
This option return models as lists objects.
fit_multiple_group_map %>% tidyr::unnest(data) %>%
data.all #dplyr::bind_rows(data_1, data_2, .id = "id") %>%
::group_by(id) %>%
dplyr::group_map(~ soiltestcorr::cate_nelson_1965(data = .,
dplyrry = RY,
stv = STV,
target = 90,
tidy = TRUE))
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
#> Warning in stats::chisq.test(data.frame(row.1, row.2)): Chi-squared
#> approximation may be incorrect
utils#> [[1]]
#> n CRYV CSTV quadrants.q.I quadrants.q.II quadrants.q.III quadrants.q.IV
#> 1 15 90 4.5 0 11 0 4
#> quadrants.positive quadrants.negative R2
#> 1 15 0 0.6697782
#> [[2]]
#> n CRYV CSTV quadrants.q.I quadrants.q.II quadrants.q.III quadrants.q.IV
#> 1 137 90 23 11 67 9 50
#> quadrants.positive quadrants.negative R2
#> 1 117 20 0.3936824
#> [[3]]
#> n CRYV CSTV quadrants.q.I quadrants.q.II quadrants.q.III quadrants.q.IV
#> 1 24 90 48 0 12 4 8
#> quadrants.positive quadrants.negative R2
#> 1 20 4 0.7066536
We can generate a ggplot with the same mod_alcc() function.
We just need to specify the argument plot = TRUE
::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_1,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STV,
plot = TRUE)
::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_2,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STV,
plot = TRUE)
::cate_nelson_1965(data = data_3,
soiltestcorrry = RY,
stv = STK,
plot = TRUE)
Cate, R.B. Jr., and Nelson, L.A., 1965. A rapid method for
correlation of soil test analysis with plant response data. North
Carolina Agric. Exp. Stn., International soil Testing Series Bull.
No. 1.