Introduction to tidyndr

“To measure is to know. If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.”

- Lord Kelvin

The Nigeria National Data Repository (NDR) houses the de-identified patient-level information for the HIV program in Nigeria. Perhaps the most versatile feature of the repository is that it allows users with login access to download this patient-level information, analyze, and make informed decisions to improve the response of their program towards achieving the UNAIDS three 95s targets.You can download “treatment”, “recent infection” and “HTS” line lists.

Analysis of the de-identified patient-level information is traditionally conducted in Microsoft Excel. While this provides a great platform, it has some downsides which include:

  1. The software must be installed on the user’s computer.

  2. The user must be familiar with the formula for calculation of the indicator of interest.

  3. Because of the point-and-click nature of the analysis, it is error-prone. Sometimes these errors go unnoticed by the users giving a rather false result.

  4. Performing the same analysis periodically can be quite tedious and time-consuming as the analysis is usually done afresh every time.

The aim of the {tidyndr} package is to eliminate these hurdles by providing the user with an application that can be conducted on a free and open-source software, allows the user to focus on the task to be performed and not the formula, remove user-defined errors, and allow for easy automation of routine activities.

The {tidyndr} functions are grouped into five categories for performing related actions.

  1. Importing functions

  2. Treatment functions

  3. Viral Load functions

  4. Summary functions

  5. HIV-1 recent infection functions


Importing your NDR line-list

The read_ndr() function allows you to import your line-list in a nicely configured format for data analysis. It:

  1. Reads your .csv file.

  2. Formats the data type for each of the column variables as necessary (converts all date variables to dates and categorical variables to factors).

  3. Converts all column names to snake case format.

  4. Adds three new columns to your treatment data - date_lost (calculated by adding 28 days to the sum of last_drug_pickup_date and the days_of_arv_refill), appointment_date (calculated by adding the number of days_of_arv_refill to the last_drug_pickup_date, and current_status (calculated by classifying the patient as “active” or “inactive” using the value of the time_stamp argument as a reference.

The read_ndr() is an s3 generic function that calls another function depending on the type of line-list supplied

## import file from the computer. This uses the "treatment" example file that comes with the {tidyndr} package.

file_path <- system.file("extdata",
                         package = "tidyndr")

ex_ndr <- read_ndr(file_path, time_stamp = "2021-12-15")

## import file from the computer using a few of the `...` arguments and setting `quiet` to TRUE

ndr_example <- read_ndr(file_path,
                        time_stamp = "2021-12-15",
                        skip = 0,
                        comment = "",
                        quiet = TRUE)

## import recent infection example file

file_path2 <- system.file(
  package = "tidyndr"

ex_recency <- read_ndr(file_path2, type = "recency")

Treatment functions

These group of indicators are based on the PEPFAR MER treatment indicators and their supporting indicators. They include:

  1. tx_new()
  2. tx_curr()
  3. tx_ml()
  4. tx_ml_outcomes()
  5. tx_rtt()
  6. tx_appointment()
  7. tx_mmd()


This generates the line-list of clients who started ART within a period. It can be supplied 5 different arguments with the first one being the only compulsory one:

## generate tx_new clients between January and June 2021 for all states in the data
tx_new(ndr_example, from = "2021-01-01", to = "2021-06-30")
#> # A tibble: 2,307 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200048      00016          
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty100049      00012          
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty600051      00015          
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200057      00020          
#> # ... with 2,303 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

## generate tx_new for only one state ("Arewa" in the data) for January 2021.

       from = "2021-01-01",
       to = "2021-01-31",
       states = "Arewa")
#> # A tibble: 84 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Arewa Arew~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Arety318703      000129         
#> 2 NGOHea~ Arewa Oke-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Arety518952      000170         
#> 3 NGOHea~ Arewa Oke-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Arety519197      000213         
#> 4 NGOHea~ Arewa Oke-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Arety519340      000253         
#> # ... with 80 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...


Generates the line-list of all clients who are still active on treatment. It has 4 different parameters with only the first one as the compulsory argument to be specified. The parameters are:

## generate current clients using the calculated `current_status` column
#> # A tibble: 10,646 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty600005      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200006      0002           
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty400007      0001           
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty600010      0003           
#> # ... with 10,642 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

## generate current clients using the default `current_status_28_days` column
        status = "default")
#> # A tibble: 10,646 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty600005      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200006      0002           
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty400007      0001           
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty600010      0003           
#> # ... with 10,642 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...


This generates the line-list of clients who were active at the beginning of the reference date and have now become inactive at the to date specified. The default is to generate the line-list of all clients who became inactive in the current Fiscal Year (i.e. were active at the beginning of FY22 but have become inactive at the end of December 2021). It accepts 5 arguments listed below:

## generate the line-list of clients who were active at the beginning of October 2020 
## (beginning of FY21) but became inactive at the end of December 2020.
tx_ml(new_data = ndr_example,
      from = "2021-10-01",
      to = "2021-12-31")

## if data from two periods are available, you can supply these to determine the `tx_ml"

file_path <- ""
ndr_old <- read_ndr(file_path, time_stamp = "2021-02-15")
ndr_new <- ndr_example
tx_ml(old_data = ndr_old,
      new_data = ndr_new)

## generate the line-list of clients who have become inactive for "Arewa" and "Abaji" 
## since the beginning of October 2021.
      states = c("Abaji", "Arewa"), from = "2021-10-01")


For the inactive clients generated, you might be interested in subsetting those with specific final outcomes of interest. Currently, the NDR recognizes only two final outcomes (“dead” and “transferred out”). These are the ones that can be subset using the tx_ml_outcomes() function. This function takes only two argument:

## generate the line-list of all clients who became inactive this Fiscal Year
ml_example <- tx_ml(ndr_example)

## subset inactive clients who were transferred out
tx_ml_outcomes(ml_example, outcome = "transferred out")


You can filter for clients who were previously inactive but have returned to treatment and are still active at the end of the period of interest. This is the only function where you will be needing two different sets of data - the first data contains the inactive clients while the second data is where their change in status will be checked. The acceptable arguments to tx_rtt include:

## location of the old line-list that contains the list of inactive clients
file_path <- ""

old_data <- read_ndr(file_path,
                     time_stamp = "2021-02-15")

new_data <- ndr_example 
tx_rtt(old_data, new_data)


Sometimes, you are interested in knowing the number of Active clients who are due for medication refill/drug pick up within a period of time. This can help you to plan for the visits, forecast medication appointments and also identify active clients who have missed their appointment. The tx_appointment() is one of the supporting treatment indicators that helps in this regard. It takes 6 arguments viz:

## generate list of clients with medication appointment in Q2 of FY21
q2_appt <- tx_appointment(ndr_example,
              from = "2022-01-01",
              to = "2022-03-31")

## print the number of clients with appointments in Q2
#> [1] 1613


Knowing the number of months of medications dispensed during the last medication refill allows you to calculate the number of active clients who are on MMD (Multi-month Dispensing), i.e. clients who were given between 3 months and 6 months medication during the last clinic visit. You might also be interested in know the details of clients who did not have MMD, or who had more than 6 months medication refill (some of which might be due to data entry errors). The arguments that can be supplied to this function include:

#> # A tibble: 10,512 x 53
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty600005      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200006      0002           
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty400007      0001           
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty600010      0003           
#> # ... with 10,508 more rows, and 45 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

## filter clients who had more than 6 months of ARV
       months = c(7, Inf))
#> # A tibble: 0 x 53
#> # ... with 53 variables: ip <fct>, state <fct>, lga <fct>, facility <fct>,
#> #   datim_code <fct>, sex <fct>, patient_identifier <chr>,
#> #   hospital_number <chr>, date_of_birth <date>, age_at_art_initiation <dbl>,
#> #   current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>, art_start_date_source <fct>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>, last_regimen <fct>, ...

## list of clients who had either more than 6 months, or < 3 months medications dispensed
       months = c(1, 2, 7, Inf))
#> # A tibble: 129 x 53
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty300079      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty600237      00075          
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty201449      000562         
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty201686      000645         
#> # ... with 125 more rows, and 45 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

Viral Load Indicators

The viral load group of indicators allows you to be able to generate the list of clients who are eligible for viral load; have a viral load result within the last one year (for adults of 20 years and above) or 6 months (for pediatrics and adolescents); and are virally suppressed. These indicators include:

  1. tx_vl_eligible()

  2. tx_pvls_den()

  3. tx_pvls_num()

  4. tx_vl_unsuppressed()


Two groups of clients are eligible for routine viral load test - clients who have been on ARV medication for at least 6 months and have not had a viral load result, and clients whose last viral load result is more than 12 months ago (for adults) and more than 6 months ago (for pediatrics and adolescents). tx_vl_eligible() generates this line-list using a combination of the 6 arguments below that can be provided:

## list of clients who are eligible for VL sample collection by the end of March 2022
               ref = "2022-03-31",
               sample = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 2,309 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty400007      0001           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200017      0004           
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200028      0009           
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Odo-~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty600031      0009           
#> # ... with 2,305 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

## filter clients who are eligible for VL test (result) by 31st of December 2021
               ref = "2021-12-31")
#> # A tibble: 3,486 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200006      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty400007      0001           
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200017      0004           
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200028      0009           
#> # ... with 3,482 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...


This determines clients who have a documented viral load result and are not due for a repeat viral load test. It helps you to know what the viral load coverage (the number of those who have a VL result / the number of those eligible [when sample is set to FALSE]). It accepts arguments all the arguments that can be supplied to tx_vl_eligible above.

## determine clients whose viral load result is within the last 1 year for adults (>= 20 years) 
## and 6 months for paediatrics and adolescents
#> # A tibble: 1,478 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200006      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200073      00027          
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200134      00055          
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200137      00058          
#> # ... with 1,474 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

## List of clients who will not be due for a repeat VL test by the end of September 2021
            ref = "2021-09-30")
#> # A tibble: 1,992 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200006      0002           
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty400007      0001           
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200017      0004           
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200073      00027          
#> # ... with 1,988 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...


This determines the number of clients whose viral load test results are below a particular limit among those with a documented viral load result, thus are said to be virally suppressed. It helps you to know how many clients are doing well on their current medication. It accepts the following arguments:

## clients whose last viral load result is within the last 1 year for adults (>= 20 years) 
## and 6 months for paediatrics and adolescents, and are virally suppressed
#> # A tibble: 254 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty100596      00096          
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200841      000321         
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Isal~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty701006      00011          
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty201093      000419         
#> # ... with 250 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

## generate the list of clients whose viral load result is less than 50
            n = 50)
#> # A tibble: 227 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Okuty100596      00096          
#> 2 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty200841      000321         
#> 3 NGOHea~ Okun  Isal~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty701006      00011          
#> 4 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty201093      000419         
#> # ... with 223 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...


This determines the number of clients whose viral load test results are above a particular limit among those with a documented viral load result. It accepts the following arguments:

## clients whose last viral load result is within the last 1 year for adults (>= 20 years) 
## and 6 months for paediatrics and adolescents but were unsuppressed
#> # A tibble: 22 x 52
#>   ip      state lga   facility datim_code sex   patient_identif~ hospital_number
#>   <fct>   <fct> <fct> <fct>    <fct>      <fct> <chr>            <chr>          
#> 1 NGOHea~ Okun  Okun~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Okuty202820      0001061        
#> 2 NGOHea~ Abaji Abaj~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Abaty403723      00040          
#> 3 NGOHea~ Abaji Abaj~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ F     Abaty205328      000193         
#> 4 NGOHea~ Abaji Abaj~ Facilit~ datim_cod~ M     Abaty906956      000185         
#> # ... with 18 more rows, and 44 more variables: date_of_birth <date>,
#> #   age_at_art_initiation <dbl>, current_age <dbl>, art_start_date <date>,
#> #   art_start_date_source <fct>, last_drug_pickup_date <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q1 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q2 <date>,
#> #   last_drug_pickup_date_q3 <date>, last_drug_pickup_date_q4 <date>,
#> #   last_regimen <fct>, last_clinic_visit_date <date>,
#> #   days_of_arv_refill <dbl>, pregnancy_status <fct>, ...

Summary Indicators

Summary indicators provide aggregates for a particular indicator of interest. {tidyndr} provides two aggregate functions. These are:
1. summarise_ndr()

  1. disaggregate()


All the previous functions generates patient-level line-lists. You will most often be interested in a tabular summary of the information provided. This is the work of summarise_ndr() (and its partner summarize_ndr()). It takes all the line-lists that you might have generated, and display a summary table with one column for each of your generated line-lists. summarise_ndr() accepts three arguments:

curr <- tx_curr(ndr_example) # generate active clients and assign to "curr"

new <- tx_new(ndr_example, from = "2021-10-01", to = "2021-12-31") # generate TX_NEW for the FY and assign to "new"

summarise_ndr(curr, new, level = "state", names = c("curr", "tx_new")) # when the `names` argument is not supplied, the data names are used
#> # A tibble: 5 x 4
#>   ip        state    curr tx_new
#>   <chr>     <chr>   <int>  <int>
#> 1 NGOHealth Okun      641     39
#> 2 NGOHealth Abaji    3196    230
#> 3 NGOHealth Arewa    4088    283
#> 4 NGOHealth Ayetoro  2721    191
#> # ... with 1 more row


A very powerful function that allows you to summarise your generated line-list disaggregated based on a particular variable. The disaggregation options currently available are “current_age”, “sex”, “pregnancy_status”, “art_duration”, “months_dispensed”, and “age_sex”. It accepts 4 arguments:

## generate list of inactive clients
inactives <- tx_ml(new_data = ndr_example, from = "2021-01-01", to = "2021-03-31")

## disaggregate inactive clients by gender at state level
             by = "sex")

## disaggregate inactive clients by "age group" at country level
             by = "current_age",
             level = "country",
             pivot_wide = FALSE)