NEWS | R Documentation |
In function pettitt.test
the p-value
is now calculated as pval <- min(1, 2.0 * exp(( -6.0 * U^2) / (n^3 + n^2))) to ensure that p does not exceed one.
CRAN check detected undeclared packages that were referred to in Rd files. The ‘DESCRIPTION’ file was updated with ‘Suggests’.
CRAN check detected ‘LTO’ related issues. The ‘init.c’ was re-written.
The references and description
in the .Rd file for the function rrod.test
was extended in order to address the
original authors Fligner and Pollicello.
The function lanzante.test
for performing
a non-parametric single-change point-detection test
using either the wilcox.test
or the
robust rank order distribution test (rrod.test
was added.
The function rrod.test
for performing
the non-parametric robust rank order distribution test
was added.
The internal function .mkScore
was slightly
recoded to enhance speed. Thanks to Martin Schmelzer.
The function bartels.test
for performing the rank
version of von Neumann's ratio test was added.
The function br.test
for performing the
Buishand range test was added.
The function bu.test
for performing the
Buishand U test was added.
The function snh.test
for performing Alexandersson's
standard normal homogeinity test was added.
The generic function plot.cptest
was added
to plot the output of the above functions.
The function pettitt.test
was recoded in order to
increase speed.
The functions mk.test
, smk.test
and sens.slope
were recoded
in order to increase speed. They consistently produce output
objects of class "htest"
The generic function summary.smktest
was added
to display seasonal output of smk.test
The function sea.sens.slope
was recoded and
produces a scalar output.
The function
was added for multiside
or multivariate Mann-Kendall Test.
The man
pages were revisited and now contain
the underlying mathematical functions.
The function ww.test
for conducting Wald-Wolfowitz
test for independence and stationarity was added to the package.
The function wm.test
for conducting the Wallis and
Moore phase-frequency test for randomness was added to the
the function cs.test
for the Cox-Stuart trend test
was included.
The function sens.slope
was modified to enhance speed.
The NAMESPACE file was updated.