The following guide provides an introduction to using vosonSML, which is available both on GitHub and CRAN. More resources are available on the VOSON Lab website (vosonSML and training materials). For a full list of functions, please refer to the reference page. The companion package to vosonSML
is VOSON Dashboard, which provides an R/Shiny graphical user interface for data collection (via vosonSML
), network and text analysis.
To use vosonSML
, you first need to it and the magrittr
package into the session:
There are three steps involved in data collection and network creation using vosonSML
. These are:
and Graph()
Twitter data are collected via rtweet.
The first step is to authorise access to the Twitter API. There are two ways of generating an access token. The “Dev Auth” approach involves authenticating using Twitter developer app API keys, which can be created after the user has been granted a Twitter developer account:
myDevKeys <- list(appName = "My App", apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", apiSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
accessToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", accessTokenSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxx")
twitterAuth <- Authenticate("twitter", appName = myDevKeys$appName, apiKey = myDevKeys$apiKey,
apiSecret = myDevKeys$apiSecret, accessToken = myDevKeys$accessToken,
accessTokenSecret = myDevKeys$accessTokenSecret)
The “Web Auth” approach undertakes Twitter authentication via user authorisation of an app that the user has access to (either because the user created the app, or else it was created by a third-party and access granted to the user). This will open a web browser, prompting the user to log into Twitter and authorise the app using Twitter app’s consumer key and secret. The Web Auth approach therefore does not require a Twitter developer account, as long as the user has a Twitter account and access to a Twitter app.
twitterAuth <- Authenticate("twitter", appName = "An App",
apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx", apiSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxx")
In both cases, Twitter authentication creates an access token, which can be re-used by saving it to disk:
The following loads into the current session a previously-created access token:
The syntax for collecting Twitter data follow Twitter’s rules and filtering documentation. It is possible to collect tweets including particular terms (e.g. hashtags), and boolean searches (see standard search operators) are also possible. The collection may be filtered by, for example, type of Twitter activity (e.g. to include retweets only), number of collected tweets, language of tweet. As an example, the following collects 1000 recent tweets containing the ‘#auspol’ hashtag (a prominent hashtag for Australian politics), with retweets not being collected.
twitterData <- twitterAuth %>%
Collect(searchTerm = "#auspol", numTweets = 1000,
includeRetweets = FALSE, retryOnRateLimit = TRUE, writeToFile = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE)
The Collect()
function takes the following arguments (when used for collecting Twitter data): credential
(object generated from Authenticate()
with class name “twitter”(above we pass this via the pipe), searchTerm
(character string that specifies a Twitter search term), searchType
(character string indicating how to filter returned tweets with options ‘recent’, ‘mixed’ or ‘popular’; default type is ‘recent’), numTweets
(numeric vector that specifies how many tweets to be collected; default is 100), includeRetweets
(whether the search should filter out retweets or not; default is TRUE), retryOnRateLimit
(whether to automatically pause collection when the Twitter API rate limit is reached, and then restart; default is FALSE.), writeToFile
(whether to write the returned dataframe to disk as an .rds
file; default is FALSE), and verbose
(whether to output information about the data collection; default is FALSE).
The Collect()
function returns a tibble (an enhanced dataframe which has features that can make working with the data easier). We can view the data we just collected (the following has been modified to anonymise the data):
> twitterData
# A tibble: 999 x 90
user_id status_id created_at screen_name text source
<chr> <chr> <dttm> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxx… xxxxxxxx… 2020-01-09 12:02:13 xxxx "htt… Twitt…
2 xxxxxx… xxxxxxxx… 2020-01-09 12:01:32 xxxxxxxxx "Fir… Twitt…
3 xxxxxx… xxxxxxxx… 2020-01-09 12:00:44 xxxxxxxxxxx "Ser… Twitt…
… with 989 more rows, and 84 more variables: display_text_width <dbl>,
Note that if you read the Twitter dataframe from disk, you will need to modify the class values for the object before you can use it with vosonSML
. This can be done manually or by using the handy ImportData()
It is currently possible to create four types of networks using Twitter data: (1) actor network; (2) activity network; (3) 2-mode network and (4) semantic network.
In the Twitter actor network, nodes are users who have either tweeted using the target search terms (#auspol in the above example) or else are mentioned or replied to in tweets featuring the search terms. Edges represent interactions between Twitter users, and an edge attribute indicates whether the interaction is a mention, reply, retweet, quoted retweet or self-loop. Self-loop edges are created in two situations: (1) a user authors a tweet and mentions or replies to themself; (2) a user authors a tweet containing the search term, but does not mention or reply to any other user in that tweet.
actorNetwork <- twitterData %>% Create("actor", writeToFile = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
actorGraph <- actorNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> actorNetwork
# A tibble: 1,725 x 5
from to edge_type timestamp status_id
<fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
1 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx quote 2020-01-09 12:00… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
2 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx quote 2020-01-09 09:37… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
# … with 1,715 more rows
# A tibble: 1,158 x 2
user_id screen_name
<fct> <fct>
1 xxxxxxxx xxxx
2 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
# … with 1,148 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "actor" "twitter"
This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object, and in the above example, the writeToFile
parameter is used to write the graph to file in GraphML
format. The following shows a summary of the graph:
> actorGraph
IGRAPH bc177a6 DN-- 1158 1725 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), screen_name (v/c), label (v/c),
| edge_type (e/c), timestamp (e/c), status_id (e/c)
+ edges from bc177a6 (vertex names):
[1] xxxxxxxx ->xxxxxxxx
[2] xxxxxxxx ->xxxxxxxxx
+ ... omitted several edges
The Twitter actor network contains a graph attribute type
which is set to “twitter” (this attribute is required for VOSON Dashboard
). The following node attributes are collected from the Twitter profile data: name
(Twitter ID), screen_name
(Twitter handle or screen name) and label
(a concatenation of the ID and screen name). The edge attributes are: edge_type
(whether the edge is a mention, reply, retweet, quoted retweet or self-loop), timestamp
(when the tweet that led to the creation of the edge was authored) and status_id
(the Twitter ID for the tweet).
The example actor network contains 1158 nodes and 1725 edges. The following code uses igraph
functions to: (1) remove all edges other than reply edges; (2) construct a subnetwork consisting of the giant component (the largest set of connected nodes); (3) plot this network.
g2 <- delete.edges(actorGraph, which(E(actorGraph)$edge_type!="reply"))
cc <- clusters(g2)
g2 <- induced_subgraph(g2,which(cc$membership == which.max(cc$csize)))
png("twitter_actor_reply_gc.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(g2, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
Twitter actor network - replies only - giant component
It is often useful to have the tweet text content in the network. This can be achieved by using the status_id
edge attribute to pull the tweet text content from the dataframe returned by Collect()
, and store it as an edge attribute. vosonSML
makes this easy with the AddText()
function, with the following example creating a graph with an edge attribute vosonTxt_tweet
which stores the tweet text content.
Now we have tweet text cotent stored as an edge attribute, we can use it for text analysis or creating new node attributes. As an example, the following creates a new node attribute tweetedBushfires
which has the value “yes” if the Twitter user authored at least one tweet containing the word “bushfire” and “no” otherwise.
#vector of igraph vertices - the users who tweeted with "bushfire"
ind <- tail_of(actorGraphWithText,grep("bushfire",tolower(E(actorGraphWithText)$vosonTxt_tweet)))
V(actorGraphWithText)$tweetedBushfires <- "no"
V(actorGraphWithText)$tweetedBushfires[ind] <- "yes"
The following creates and plots the giant component in the reply network, with red nodes indicating those users who tweeted using the term “bushfire”.
g3 <- delete.edges(actorGraphWithText, which(E(actorGraphWithText)$edge_type!="reply"))
cc <- clusters(g3)
g3 <- induced_subgraph(g3,which(cc$membership == which.max(cc$csize)))
V(g3)$color <- ifelse(V(g3)$tweetedBushfires=="yes","red","grey")
png("twitter_actor_reply_gc_bushfires.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(g3, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
Twitter actor network - replies only - giant component (red nodes indicate who tweeted at least once about bushfires)
The igraph
graph object can then be saved to disk as a GraphML
file using the igraph
function write.graph
, and later imported into network analysis software such as igraph
, VOSON Dashboard
and Gephi:
Finally, the AddUserData()
function can be used to create additional node attributes from the Twitter profile, for example, number of followers and number of tweets authored by the user.
Note that by default, vosonSML
will only collect Twitter profile data for those users who authored tweets that have been collected. That is, in the above example, profile data will not be collected (by default) for a user who was mentioned in a tweet that contained #auspol, but did not author such a tweet. The lookupUsers
argument can be used to make additional Twitter API calls and collect the profile data for mentioned users whose profile data is absent, so that their additional profile attributes can also be added:
In the Twitter activity network, nodes represent tweets and edge types are: replies, retweets and quoted retweets.
activityNetwork <- twitterData %>% Create("activity") %>% AddText(twitterData)
activityGraph <- activityNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> activityNetwork
# A tibble: 1,408 x 5
status_id user_id screen_name created_at vosonTxt_tweet
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxxxxx… xxxxxxxx xxxx 2020-01-09 … "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
2 xxxxxxxxxxx… xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2020-01-09 … "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
# … with 1,398 more rows
# A tibble: 662 x 3
from to edge_type
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx quote
2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx quote
# … with 652 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "activity" "twitter" "voson_text"
Note that in the above, AddText()
was used to add the comment text data to the network dataframe, stored as a node attribute. This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object (the following has been anonymised):
> activityGraph
IGRAPH e60c486 DN-- 1408 662 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), user_id (v/c), screen_name (v/c),
| created_at (v/c), vosonTxt_tweet (v/c), label (v/c), edge_type (e/c)
+ edges from e60c486 (vertex names):
[1] xxxx->xxxx
[2] xxxx->xxxx
+ ... omitted several edges
The Twitter activity network contains a graph attribute type
(set to “twitter”). The node attributes are: name
(Twitter ID for the tweet), user_id
(Twitter ID for the user who authored the tweet), screen_name
(Twitter handle or screen name of the user who authored the tweet), created_at
(timestamp when the tweet was authored), vosonTxt_tweet
(text content of the tweet) and label
(a concatenation of name
and user_id
). The edge attribute is edge_type
which can have the value ‘reply’, ‘retweet’ or ‘quote’.
The example Twitter activity network contains 1408 nodes and 662 edges. The following is a visualisation of the network, where nodes are tweets and tweets mentioning bushfires are indicated in red.
cc <- clusters(activityGraph)
g2 <- induced_subgraph(activityGraph,which(cc$membership %in% which(cc$csize>5)))
ind <- grep("bushfire",tolower(V(g2)$vosonTxt_tweet))
V(g2)$color <- "grey"
V(g2)$color[ind] <- "red"
png("twitter_activity.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(g2, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
Twitter activity network (red indicates tweets mentioning bushfires)
It should be noted that a limitation of the Twitter API is that retweet chains are not provided. That is: if user i tweeted an original tweet, and then user j retweeted this tweet, and user k retweeted j’s retweet, the activity network will show edges connecting the two retweets to the original tweet.
In the Twitter 2-mode network, the two types of nodes are actors (Twitter users) and hashtags. There is an edge from user i to hashtag j if user i authored a tweet containing hashtag j.
# additional required packages
twomodeNetwork <- twitterData %>% Create("twomode", removeTermsOrHashtags = c("#auspol"))
twomodeGraph <- twomodeNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity). Note that in this example, the removeTermsOrHashtags
argument was used to exclude ‘#auspol’, since by construction all tweets contained this hashtag.
> twomodeNetwork
# A tibble: 1,146 x 2
entity_id display_name
<chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxx xxxx
2 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
3 #auspol2020 #auspol2020
4 #australianbushfiredisaster #australianbushfiredisaster
# … with 1,136 more rows
# A tibble: 1,675 x 5
from to edge_type timestamp status_id
<fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct>
1 xxxxxxxx #auspol2020 hashtag 2020-01-09 12:0… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
2 xxxxxxxx #australianbushfiredis… hashtag 2020-01-09 12:0… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx…
# … with 1,665 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "twomode" "twitter"
This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object (this has been anonymised):
> twomodeGraph
IGRAPH 68bd240 DN-- 1146 1675 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), display_name (v/c), label (v/c),
| edge_type (e/c), timestamp (e/c), status_id (e/c)
+ edges from 68bd240 (vertex names):
[1] xxxx -> #auspol2020
[2] xxxx -> #australianbushfiredisaster
+ ... omitted several edges
The Twitter 2-model network has a graph attribute type
(set to “twitter”). The node attributes are: name
(hashtag or Twitter user ID), display_name
(hashtag or Twitter handle or screen name), label
(for users, a concatenation of name
and display_name
, while for hashtags it is name
). The edge attributes are: edge_type
(‘hashtag’), timestamp
(timestamp of the tweet that led to the edge), status_id
(Twitter ID of the tweet that led to the edge).
ind <- order(degree(twomodeGraph, mode="in"), decreasing=TRUE)[1:5] # top-5 hashtags
# users who tweet with these hashtags
ind2 <- unlist(lapply(ind, function(x){neighbors(twomodeGraph, x, mode="in")}))
g2 <- induced_subgraph(twomodeGraph, c(ind, as.numeric(ind2)))
V(g2)$color <- "grey"
V(g2)$color[which(degree(g2, mode="in")>0)] <- "blue"
V(g2)$label2 <- ifelse(degree(g2, mode="in")>0, V(g2)$label, "")
png("twitter_twomode.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(g2, vertex.label=V(g2)$label2, vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5, vertex.label.cex=1.8,
Twitter 2-mode network - top-5 hashtags, and the users who tweeted them
In the Twitter semantic network, nodes represent entities extracted from the tweet text: common words, hashtags and usernames. Edges reflect co-occurrence i.e. there is an edge between entities i and j if they both occurred in the same tweet.
# additional required packages
install.packages(c("tidyr", "tidytext", "stopwords"))
semanticNetwork <- twitterData %>% Create("semantic",
removeTermsOrHashtags = c("#auspol", "auspol", "australia"),
termFreq = 5)
semanticGraph <- semanticNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE, directed = FALSE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges”:
> semanticNetwork
# A tibble: 799 x 1
1 just
2 one
3 fire
4 going
5 still
6 hard
7 trying
8 since
9 try
10 sick
# … with 789 more rows
# A tibble: 10,990 x 3
from to weight
<fct> <fct> <int>
1 #auspol2020 #australianbushfiredisaster 2
2 #auspol2020 government 2
3 #auspol2020 fire 4
4 #auspol2020 australian 2
5 #auspol2020 bushfire 2
6 #auspol2020 fires 4
7 #auspol2020 #australiafires 1
8 #auspol2020 #australianbushfiresdisaster 1
9 #auspol2020 #australia 4
10 #auspol2020 bushfires 2
# … with 10,980 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "semantic" "twitter"
The removeTermsOrHashtags
argument is used to exclude terms that we can expect to occur frequently (e.g. because of the parameters used for the data collection). The termFreq
parameter is used to limit the network to the top 5 percent most frequently occurring entities.
This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object:
> semanticGraph
IGRAPH cb8c381 UNW- 799 10990 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), label (v/c), weight (e/n)
+ edges from cb8c381 (vertex names):
[1] #australianbushfiredisaster --#auspol2020
[2] government --#auspol2020
[3] fire --#auspol2020
[4] australian --#auspol2020
[5] bushfire --#auspol2020
[6] fires --#auspol2020
[7] #australiafires --#auspol2020
[8] #australianbushfiresdisaster--#auspol2020
+ ... omitted several edges
The Twitter semantic network node contains a graph attribute type
(set to “twitter”). The node attributes are: name
(the entity i.e. hashtag or word), label
(same as name
). The edge attribute is weight
(how many tweets the two entities co-occurred in).
The example Twitter semantic network has 799 nodes and 10990 edges. The following produces a visualisation of subnetwork of terms that contain the string “bushfire”:
ind <- grep("bushfire",tolower(V(semanticGraph)$name))
g2 <- induced_subgraph(semanticGraph,ind)
png("twitter_semantic.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(g2, layout=layout_with_lgl(g2), vertex.shape="none", vertex.size=4, edge.width=1+log(E(g2)$weight))
Twitter semantic network - entities containing the word “bushfire” (edge thickness proportional to edge weight)
To collect YouTube data, it is necessary to first create a Google app with access to the YouTube Data API via the Google APIs console and generate an associated API key. The following shows the creation of a YouTube access token by passing a Google developer API key to the Autnenticate()
As with the Twitter example above, the YouTube access token can optionally be saved to disk for use in a later session.
The YouTube video IDs (the part after “=” in the YouTube URL) are required in order to collect YouTube comment data. These IDs can either be manually extracted or else automatically extracted from the URLs with the following command:
videoIDs <- GetYoutubeVideoIDs(c("",
The character vector containing the YouTube video IDs is then passed as a parameter to the Collect()
function (the following code also shows the YouTube access token being piped to Collect()
). In the following example, we are collecting comments from a YouTube video titled “Australia bushfires - a national catastrophe | DW News”, which was uploaded by the German Deutsche Welle news service on 5th January 2020. The comment data were collected on 10th January 2020: the total number of comments at that time was over 1100, but we are using the maxComments
parameter to collect a maximum of 500 top-level comments (and all the reply comments to these top-level comments).
videoIDs <- GetYoutubeVideoIDs("")
youtubeData <- youtubeAuth %>%
Collect(videoIDs = videoIDs, maxComments = 500, writeToFile = TRUE)
The Collect()
function takes the following arguments (when used for collecting YouTube data): credential
(object generated from Authenticate()
with class name “youtube” (above we pass this via the pipe), videoIDs
(character vector specifying one or more youtube video IDs), maxComments
(numeric integer specifying how many top-level comments to collect from each video; default is 1e+13), writeToFile
(whether to write the returned dataframe to disk as an .rds
file; default is FALSE), and verbose
(whether to output information about the data collection; default is FALSE).
returns a standard R dataframe (not a tibble) with the following structure (data have been modified to preserve anonymity):
> str(youtubeData)
Classes ‘dataource’, ‘youtube’ and 'data.frame': 603 obs. of 12 variables:
$ Comment : chr "xxxxx" ...
$ AuthorDisplayName : chr "xx" "xx" "xx" "xx" ...
$ AuthorProfileImageUrl: chr "https://xx" "https://xx" "https://xx" "https://xx" ...
$ AuthorChannelUrl : chr "http://xx" "http://xx" "http://xx" "http://xx" ...
$ AuthorChannelID : chr "xx" "xx" "xx" "xx" ...
$ ReplyCount : chr "0" "0" "0" "0" ...
$ LikeCount : chr "0" "0" "0" "0" ...
$ PublishedAt : chr "2020-01-10T02:23:43.000Z" "2020-01-09T20:56:23.000Z"
"2020-01-09T20:44:00.000Z" "2020-01-09T19:31:32.000Z" ...
$ UpdatedAt : chr "2020-01-10T02:23:43.000Z" "2020-01-09T20:56:23.000Z"
"2020-01-09T20:44:00.000Z" "2020-01-09T19:31:32.000Z" ...
$ CommentID : chr "xx" "xx" "xx" "xx" ...
$ ParentID : chr NA NA NA NA ...
$ VideoID : chr "pJ_NyEYRkLQ" "pJ_NyEYRkLQ" "pJ_NyEYRkLQ" "pJ_NyEYRkLQ" ...
Note that if you read the YouTube dataframe from disk, you will need to modify the class values for the object, before you can use it with vosonSML
It is currently possible to create two types of networks using YouTube data: (1) actor network and (2) activity network.
In the YouTube actor network the nodes are users who have commented on videos (and the videos themselves are included in the network as special nodes) and the edges are the interactions between users in the comments. We can distinguish a top-level comment, which is a comment that is directed to a video from a reply comment, which is a comment directed to a top-level comment. The YouTube user interface does not allow a user to direct a reply to another reply. However, users can achieve the “reply to a reply” functionality by starting their comment with the username of the person that they are replying to (and they often prepend the username with “@”). So there will be an edge from user i to user j if i replied to a top-level comment authored by j or else i prepended their comment with j’s username.
actorNetwork <- youtubeData %>% Create("actor") %>% AddText(youtubeData)
actorGraph <- actorNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> actorNetwork
# A tibble: 522 x 3
id screen_name node_type
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx actor
2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx actor
# … with 512 more rows
# A tibble: 604 x 6
from to video_id comment_id edge_type vosonTxt_comment
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxx… VIDEOID… pJ_NyEY… xxxxxxxxxxx… comment "xxxxx"
2 xxxxxxxx… VIDEOID… pJ_NyEY… xxxxxxxxxxx… comment "xxxxx"
# … with 594 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "actor" "youtube" "voson_text"
Note that in the above, AddText()
was used to add the comment text data to the network dataframe, stored as an edge attribute. Also, note that there is an optional parameter replies_from_text
that can be passed to AddText()
when used with YouTube network creation, to extract the “reply to reply” comments.
This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object. Remember that it is possible to achieve the above using a single line of code:
actorGraph <- youtubeData %>% Create("actor") %>% AddText(youtubeData) %>%
Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
The following is an an annonymised summary of the igraph
graph object:
> actorGraph
IGRAPH 79e5456 DN-- 522 604 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), screen_name (v/c), node_type (v/c),
| label (v/c), video_id (e/c), comment_id (e/c), edge_type (e/c),
| vosonTxt_comment (e/c)
+ edges from 79e5456 (vertex names):
[1] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
[2] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
+ ... omitted several edges
The YouTube actor network node contains a graph attribute type
(set to “youtube”). The node attributes are: name
(Channel ID, which is YouTube’s unique user ID), screen_name
(the users displayed name), node_type
(‘actor’ or ‘video’) and label
(a concatenation of the ID and screen name). The edge attributes are: video_id
(the ID of the video for which the data have been collected), comment_id
(the ID of the comment), edge_type
(whether the edge is a ‘comment’ i.e. top-level comment, ‘reply-comment’ i.e. reply to top-level comment or reply to reply or ‘self-loop’, which is a special edge connecting the video to itself, as a means of including text posted with the video). In the above example, because of our earlier use of AddText()
, there is also an edge attribute vosonTxt_comment
which is the text associated with the comment, reply or video.
The example YouTube actor network contains 522 nodes and 604 edges. The following indicates that there were 500 top-level comments (we constrained the collection to this number), 103 replies to top-level comments (note: we did not use AddText()
to collect replies embedded within the text), and there is the single self-loop from the video to itself.
We can visualise this network, using red to identify the video node
V(actorGraph)$color <- ifelse(V(actorGraph)$node_type=="video", "red", "grey")
png("youtube_actor.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(actorGraph, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
YouTube actor network (red node is video)
The following creates a subnetwork containing only the replies to top-level comments. In removing the other edges (top-level comments and the self-loop) we create a number isolate nodes (nodes with no connections): these are also removed. We have also used red to indicate the people who have written comments containing particular terms that have been present in the online commentary about the bushfires.
g2 <- delete.edges(actorGraph, which(E(actorGraph)$edge_type!="reply-comment"))
#By deleting edges other than "reply-comment", we now have 417 isolates
#> length(which(degree(g2)==0))
#[1] 417
g2 <- delete.vertices(g2, which(degree(g2)==0)) #remove the isolates
V(g2)$color <- "grey"
ind <- tail_of(actorGraph,grep("arson|backburn|climate change",tolower(E(g2)$vosonTxt_comment)))
V(g2)$color[ind] <- "red"
png("youtube_actor_reply.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(g2, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
YouTube actor network - only actors sending or receiving replies
Finally, the AddVideoData()
function supplements the network data with additional video information.
returns a named list containing three dataframes named “nodes” (identical to the dataframe contained in the list actorNetwork
in the example able), “edges” (this has three additional columns: “video_title”, “video_description”, “video_published_at”) and a new dataframe “videos” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> actorNetwork_withVideoInfo
# A tibble: 522 x 3
id screen_name node_type
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx actor
2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx actor
# … with 512 more rows
# A tibble: 604 x 9
from to video_id comment_id edge_type vosonTxt_comment video_title
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxx… xxxx… pJ_NyEY… xxxxxxxxx… comment xxxxxxxxxxxx … Australia …
2 xxxx… xxxx… pJ_NyEY… xxxxxxxxx… comment "xxxx" Australia …
# … with 594 more rows, and 2 more variables: video_description <chr>,
# video_published_at <chr>
# A tibble: 1 x 6
VideoID VideoTitle VideoDescription VideoPublishedAt ChannelID ChannelTitle
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 pJ_NyEY… Australia … "As Australia ba… 2020-01-05T12:3… UCknLrEd… DW News
[1] "list" "network" "actor" "youtube"
[5] "voson_text" "voson_video_data"
It should also be noted that AddVideoData()
can optionally substitute references to the video ID in the “nodes” and “edges” dataframes with the video publishers channel ID (this is done by setting the parameter actorSubOnly
to TRUE.
In the YouTube activity network, nodes are either comments or videos (videos represent a starting comment).
activityNetwork <- youtubeData %>% Create("activity") %>% AddText(youtubeData)
activityGraph <- activityNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> activityNetwork
# A tibble: 603 x 3
from to edge_type
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ comment
2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ comment
# … with 593 more rows
# A tibble: 604 x 8
id video_id published_at updated_at author_id screen_name node_type
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 xxxx… pJ_NyEY… 2020-01-10T… 2020-01-1… xxxxxxxx… xxxxxxxxxx… comment
2 xxxx… pJ_NyEY… 2020-01-09T… 2020-01-0… xxxxxxxx… xxxxxxxxxx… comment
# … with 594 more rows, and 1 more variable: vosonTxt_comment <chr>
[1] "list" "network" "activity" "youtube" "voson_text"
Note that in the above, AddText()
was used to add the comment text data to the network dataframe, stored as a node attribute. This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object (this has been anonymised):
IGRAPH 02664d1 DN-- 604 603 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), video_id (v/c), published_at (v/c),
| updated_at (v/c), author_id (v/c), screen_name (v/c), node_type
| (v/c), vosonTxt_comment (v/c), label (v/c), edge_type (e/c)
+ edges from 02664d1 (vertex names):
[1] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
[2] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
[3] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
[4] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
[5] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
[6] xxxx->VIDEOID:pJ_NyEYRkLQ
+ ... omitted several edges
The YouTube activity network contains a graph attribute type
(set to “youtube”). The node attributes are: name
(character string ID number for the comment or video), video_id
(character string ID of the video for which the comments collected - in this example, “pJ_NyEYRkLQ”), published_at
(timestamp of when the comment was published, this is NA
for the video itself), updated_at
(timestamp of when a comment was updated), author_id
(user’s Channel ID), screen_name
(user’s display name), node_type
(whether the node is a ‘comment’ i.e. top-level comment, ‘reply-comment’ i.e. reply to top-level comment or reply to reply or ‘video’), vosonText_comment
(the comment text, NA
for the video), label
(concatenation of name
and screen_name
). The edge attributes edge_type
which is ‘comment’ for all edges connecting a top-level comment to the video, and ‘reply-comment’ for all other edges.
The example YouTube activity network contains 604 nodes and 603 edges. The following is an igrahp
visualisation of the network, where the video is indicated by a red node, and blue indicates comments that include one of the following terms: “arson”, “bakcburn”, “climate change”.
V(activityGraph)$color <- "grey"
V(activityGraph)$color[which(V(activityGraph)$node_type=="video")] <- "red"
ind <- grep("arson|backburn|climate change",tolower(V(activityGraph)$vosonTxt_comment))
V(activityGraph)$color[ind] <- "blue"
png("youtube_activity.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(activityGraph, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
YouTube activity network (red node is video, blue nodes are comments mentioning particular terms)
The Reddit collection in vosonSML
is based on the approach in RedditExtractoR.
The vosonSML
does not require Reddit API credentials to be provided. However, to keep the workflow consistent with the other data sources, we still need to create a “dummy” access token, using the Authenticate()
function (see below).
To collect Reddit comment data, first construct a character vector containing the post URL(s).
myThreadUrls <- c("",
This character vector is then passed as an argument to the Collect()
function. In the example below, a post relating to the politics around the Australian bushfires was used: This post was created on 7th January 2020 and by the time of data collection (10th January), it had attracted over 4000 comments. The maximum number of comments available for retrieval is 500 per thread or post.
Reddit has implemented a feature in their latest site re-design to branch off into new threads, when a thread reaches a breadth (diameter) of 10 comments. These appear as ‘Continue this thread’ links in thread discussions on the reddit site, and as new listing markers within the collected thread data. vosonSML
follows these links with additional thread requests and collects comments from those as well, capturing a more complete data set, as the limit of 500 comments applies to each ‘new’ thread.
myThreadUrls <- c("")
redditData <- Authenticate("reddit") %>%
Collect(threadUrls = myThreadUrls, writeToFile = TRUE)
The Collect()
function takes the following arguments (when used for collecting Reddit data): credential
(an object generated from Authenticate()
with class name “reddit” (above we pass this via the pipe), threadUrls
(character vector of Reddit thread urls), waitTime
(a numeric vector giving the time range in seconds to select random wait url collection requests; default is c(3, 10)
i.e. random wait between 3 and 10 seconds), ua
(User-Agent string; default is option("HTTPUserAgent")
as set by vosonSML, writeToFile
(whether to write the returned dataframe to file as an .rds
file; default is FALSE), verbose
(whether to output information about the data collection; default is TRUE).
The Collect()
function returns a tibble
dataframe (this output has been anonymised):
> str(redditData)
Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’, ‘datasource’, ‘reddit’ and 'data.frame': 767 obs. of 22 variables:
$ id : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ structure : chr "1" "4_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1" "4_1_1_4_2_1_1_1_1_1" "4_1_1_4_3_1_1_1_3_1" ...
$ post_date : chr "2020-01-07 14:34:58" "2020-01-07 14:34:58" "2020-01-07 14:34:58" "2020-01-07 14:34:58" ...
$ post_date_unix : num 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 ...
$ comm_id : chr "xxxx" "xxxx" "xxxx" "xxxx" ...
$ comm_date : chr "2020-01-07 19:11:10" "2020-01-07 21:04:05" "2020-01-07 20:15:49" "2020-01-07 21:24:01" ...
$ comm_date_unix : num 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 1.58e+09 ...
$ num_comments : int 4435 4435 4435 4435 4435 4435 4435 4435 4435 4435 ...
$ subreddit : chr "worldnews" "worldnews" "worldnews" "worldnews" ...
$ upvote_prop : num 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 ...
$ post_score : int 45714 45714 45714 45712 45714 45710 45720 45712 45708 45711 ...
$ author : chr "xxxx" "xxxx" "xxxx" "xxxx" ...
$ user : chr "xxxx" "xxxx" "xxxx" "xxxx" ...
$ comment_score : int 1904 136 17 13 9 9 125 4 6 12 ...
$ controversiality: int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ comment : chr "xxxx...
$ title : chr "Australia’s leaders deny link between climate change and the country’s devastating bushfires" "Australia’s leaders deny link between climate change and the country’s devastating bushfires" "Australia’s leaders deny link between climate change and the country’s devastating bushfires" "Australia’s leaders deny link between climate change and the country’s devastating bushfires" ...
$ post_text : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ link : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ domain : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ url : chr "" "" "" "" ...
$ thread_id : chr "elcb9b" "elcb9b" "elcb9b" "elcb9b" ...
Note that if you read the Reddit dataframe from disk, you will need to modify the class values for the object, before you can use it with vosonSML
It is currently possible to create two types of networks using Reddit data: (1) actor network and (2) activity network.
In the Reddit actor network, nodes represent users who have posted original posts and comments and the edges are the interactions between users in the comments i.e. where there is an edge from user i to user j if i writes a comment that replies to user j’s comment (or the original post).
The following creates a Reddit actor network with comment text as an edge attribute (as above, this can be achieved in a single line of code, but we split it into two lines to better explain the objects that are created).
actorNetwork <- redditData %>% Create("actor") %>% AddText(redditData)
actorGraph <- actorNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> actorNetwork
# A tibble: 439 x 2
id user
<int> <chr>
1 1 xxxxxxxxxx
2 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# … with 429 more rows
# A tibble: 768 x 8
from to subreddit thread_id comment_id comm_id vosonTxt_comment title
<int> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 439 worldnews elcb9b 1 xxxxxxx "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NA
2 2 73 worldnews elcb9b 2 xxxxxxx "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NA
… with 758 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "actor" "reddit" "voson_text"
Note that in the above, AddText()
was used to add the comment text data to the network dataframe, stored as an edge attribute. This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object:
> actorGraph
IGRAPH 5a5d5b9 DN-- 439 768 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), user (v/c), label (v/c), subreddit
| (e/c), thread_id (e/c), comment_id (e/n), comm_id (e/c),
| vosonTxt_comment (e/c), title (e/c)
+ edges from 5a5d5b9 (vertex names):
[1] 1 ->439 2 ->73 3 ->113 4 ->120 5 ->120 6 ->17 7 ->194 8 ->20 9 ->20
[10] 10->165 11->165 12->1 13->2 14->3 15->4 16->5 17->6 18->7
[19] 19->8 20->9 21->10 22->11 23->12 2 ->13 24->3 7 ->18 25->23
[28] 26->2 3 ->24 27->18 28->1 29->2 18->27 1 ->28 30->2 31->7
[37] 25->1 32->2 33->31 34->1 2 ->32 35->7 25->34 36->2 7 ->35
[46] 37->1 38->2 39->7 40->1 41->2 42->7 43->1 2 ->41 44->7
+ ... omitted several edges
The Reddit actor network contains a graph attribute type
(set to “reddit”). The node attributes are: name
(sequential ID number for actor, generated by vosonSML
), user
(Reddit handle or screen name)) and label
(a concatenation of the ID and screen name). The edge attributes are: subreddit
(the subreddit from which the post is collected), thread_id
(the 6 character ID of the thread or post), comment_id
(sequential ID number for comment, generated by vosonSML
). There is also an edge attribute title
, which is set to NA
for all comments except the comment representing the original post. Further note that the original post is represented as a self-loop edge from the user who authored the post (and this is how the post text can be accessed, as an edge attribute), however with the Reddit actor network, there is no edge_type
attribute. Finally, because we used AddText()
in the above example, there is also an edge attribute vosonTxt_comment
which is the text associated with the comment, or original post.
The example Reddit actor network contains 439 nodes and 768 edges. The following is a visualisation of the actor network, where the author of the post is indicated by a red node, and blue nodes indicate those people who mentioned “arson” or “starting fires” in at least one of their comments.
V(actorGraph)$color <- "grey"
V(actorGraph)$color[tail_of(actorGraph, which(!$title)))] <- "red"
ind <- tail_of(actorGraph,grep("arson|starting fires",tolower(E(actorGraph)$vosonTxt_comment)))
V(actorGraph)$color[ind] <- "blue"
png("reddit_actor.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(actorGraph, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
Reddit actor network (red node is author of post, blue nodes are users who mentioned arson)
In the Reddit activity network, nodes are either comments and/or initial thread posts and the edges represent replies to the original post, or replies to comments.
activityNetwork <- redditData %>% Create("activity") %>% AddText(redditData)
activityGraph <- activityNetwork %>% Graph(writeToFile = TRUE)
returns a named list containing two dataframes named “nodes” and “edges” (the following has been modified to preserve anonymity):
> activityNetwork
# A tibble: 768 x 10
id thread_id comm_id datetime ts subreddit user node_type
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 elcb… elcb9b xxxxxxx 2020-01… 1.58e9 worldnews xxxx… comment
2 elcb… elcb9b xxxxxxx 2020-01… 1.58e9 worldnews xxxx… comment
# … with 758 more rows, and 2 more variables: vosonTxt_comment <chr>,
# title <chr>
# A tibble: 767 x 3
from to edge_type
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 elcb9b.1 elcb9b.0 comment
2 elcb9b.4_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1 elcb9b.4_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1 comment
# … with 757 more rows
[1] "list" "network" "activity" "reddit" "voson_text"
Note that in the above, AddText()
was used to add the comment text data to the network dataframe, stored as a node attribute. This list is then passed to Graph()
, which returns an igraph
graph object:
> activityGraph
IGRAPH 09e30ea DN-- 768 767 --
+ attr: type (g/c), name (v/c), thread_id (v/c), comm_id (v/c),
| datetime (v/c), ts (v/n), subreddit (v/c), user (v/c), node_type
| (v/c), vosonTxt_comment (v/c), title (v/c), label (v/c), edge_type
| (e/c)
+ edges from 09e30ea (vertex names):
[1] elcb9b.1 ->elcb9b.0
[2] elcb9b.4_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1->elcb9b.4_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1
[3] elcb9b.4_1_1_4_2_1_1_1_1_1->elcb9b.4_1_1_4_2_1_1_1_1
[4] elcb9b.4_1_1_4_3_1_1_1_3_1->elcb9b.4_1_1_4_3_1_1_1_3
[5] elcb9b.4_1_1_4_3_1_1_1_3_2->elcb9b.4_1_1_4_3_1_1_1_3
+ ... omitted several edges
The Reddit activity network contains a graph attribute type
(set to “reddit”). The node attributes are: name
(string showing position of the comment in the thread), date
(date when the comment was authored, in DD-MM-YY format), subreddit
(the subreddit from which the post is collected), user
(Reddit handle or screen name of the user who authored the comment or post), node_type
(‘comment’ or ‘thread’), title
for all nodes except that representing the original post), label
(a concatenation of name
and user
). Because we used AddText()
in the above example, there is also a node attribute vosonTxt_comment
which is the text from the comment, or original post. The edge attributes is edge_type
which is ‘comment’ for all edges.
The example Reddit activity network contains 768 nodes and 767 edges. The following is a visualisation of the network, where the post is indicated by a red node, and blue indicates those comments that include the words “arson” or “starting fires”.
V(activityGraph)$color <- "grey"
V(activityGraph)$color[which(V(activityGraph)$node_type=="thread")] <- "red"
ind <- grep("arson|starting fires",tolower(V(activityGraph)$vosonTxt_comment))
V(activityGraph)$color[ind] <- "blue"
png("reddit_activity.png", width=600, height=600)
plot(activityGraph, vertex.label="", vertex.size=4, edge.arrow.size=0.5)
Reddit activity network (red node is intial post, blue nodes are comments mentioning arson)
Data that was collected at different times, used different collect parameters or was saved to multiple files can be merged by using functions that operate on dataframes. The data from Collect
is output in tibble
(dataframe) format and provided each collected data set are from the same social media type can be combined using the rbind
In the examples below or cases that involve large datasets, it can sometimes be more efficient or timely to substitute optimized functions such as dplyr::bind_rows
for rbind
or data.table::rbindlist
instead of"rbind", list)
Data collected in the same session can be merged using the rbind
function. The following twitter example combines tweet data collected using different search parameters. The result is combined most recent
tweets using the #auspol
hashtag and most popular
tweets using the #bushfire
# collect twitter data for the #auspol hashtag
auspolTwitterData <- twitterAuth %>%
Collect(searchTerm = "#auspol", searchType = "recent", numTweets = 100)
# collect twitter data for the #bushfire hashtag
bushfireTwitterData <- twitterAuth %>%
Collect(searchTerm = "#bushfire", searchType = "popular", numTweets = 50)
# combine the collected data for the different hashtags using rbind
twitterData <- rbind(auspolTwitterData, bushfireTwitterData)
has a function for importing previously saved collected data from file so that, it can be correctly handled and used in subsequent processsing functions. This example shows how to import and merge twitter data collected the previous day with newly collected data using rbind
and the ImportData
Please note that ImportData
requires the file path and social media type either “twitter”, “youtube” or “reddit” to be specified as parameters.
# collect twitter data
newTwitterData <- twitterAuth %>%
Collect(searchTerm = "#auspol", searchType = "recent", numTweets = 100)
# import data from file using ImportData
prevTwitterData <- ImportData("2020-02-26_143505-TwitterData.rds", "twitter")
# add to imported data the new data using rbind
twitterData <- rbind(prevTwitterData, newTwitterData)
If there are many data collections to be merged from file it may be useful to use rbind
in conjuction with lapply
. In this example a list of twitter collection files in the 2019TwitterBushfireData
directory that end in “TwitterData.rds” are passed into an lapply
function. This imports each dataset with ImportData
and is then added to a list of dataframes that is combined with rbind
for the final result.
# vector of file names matching *TwitterData.rds to combine from directory
importFiles <- list.files(path = "D:\\2019TwitterBushfireData",
pattern = "*TwitterData.rds",
full.names = TRUE)
# combine imported data from files with apply and rbind
twitterData <-"rbind", lapply(importFiles,
function(x) { ImportData(x, "twitter") }))
Depending on type of collections being performed, there may be duplicate data or rows in the combined dataframes. This is generally not a problem for vosonSML
network creation, however it may sometimes be useful to address in order to reduce the size of the data being processed. This can be achieved in many ways but is probably acomplished most easily using the unique
or dplyr::distinct
function. In the example below the unique tweet identifier “status_id” is used with distinct
to choose which columns to identify distinct values from. For youtube the identifier columns “VideoID” and “CommentID” and for reddit “thread_id” and “comm_id” can be used instead of “status_id”.
# load dplyr
# combine the collected data using rbind and remove duplicates with distinct based on tweet status_id
twitterData <- rbind(auspolTwitterData, bushfireTwitterData) %>%
distinct(status_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
If unique rows can change over time such as a tweets retweet count, or perhaps youtube video / reddit thread comments being updated then a strategy will need to be adopted to choose the desired version to keep between dataframes. The distinct
function will keep the first found row that contains a duplicate identifier, so it is often useful to arrange the rows so that more recent record comes first in the combined dataframe and is kept. With twitter data, the easiest way to do this is to perform the rbind
with twitter dataframes in reverse order (chronological) with the most recent collect data first. For youtube and reddit, the rows can be arranged by the “UpdatedAt” and “comm_date_unix” timestamp values respectively. The dplyr
package again provides a convenient function for sorting or arranging rows called arrange
# manually combine data sets in reverse chronological order and remove duplicates based on status_id
twitterData <- rbind(bushfireTwitterData, auspolTwitterData) %>%
distinct(status_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
# arrange combined youtube data by updated timestamp and remove duplicates, keeping the version of a
# duplicate video comment that was most recently updated
youtubeData <- youtubeData %>%
arrange(desc(UpdatedAt)) %>% distinct(VideoID, CommentID, .keep_all = TRUE)
# arrange combined reddit data by comment timestamp and remove duplicates, keeping the version of a
# duplicate thread comment that was most recently updated
redditData <- redditData %>%
arrange(desc(comm_date_unix)) %>% distinct(thread_id, comm_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
Once the data is merged then it can then simply be passed to the Create
function to create a network as per the usual vosonSML
work flow.
It is possible to import a network created using vosonSML
, and saved as a “.graphml” file, into VOSON Dashboard
. However, if you have created a categorical node attribute in the network and wish to plot networks in VOSON Dashboard
with node colour reflecting the node attribute, then the node attribute name has to be pre-pended with “vosonCA_”. This let’s VOSON Dashboard
know the attribute is to be treated as categorical.
Above, we created a Twitter subnetwork: the giant component in the reply network, with red nodes indicating those users who tweeted using the word “bushfire”. We did this by created a node attribute “tweetedBushfires”. For VOSON Dashboard
to recognise this node attribute, it has to be named “vosonCA_tweetedBushfires”. The following code creates a new node attribute with this name, and sames the network as a graphml file:
V(g3)$vosonCA_tweetedBushfires <- V(g3)$tweetedBushfires
write.graph(g3, "g3.graphml", format="graphml")
The following shows a screenshot of VOSON Dashboard
with this network loaded and the “tweetedBushfires” attribute has been seleced to be reflected in the node colour.
VOSON Dashboard with Twitter network of users who tweeted using the word “bushfire”
and VOSON Dashboard
are developed and maintained at the Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) Lab at the Australian National University.
was originally released on CRAN in November 2015 as the package SocialMediaLab
(Timothy Graham was the lead developer), with the significantly revised and renamed vosonSML
being released on CRAN in July 2018 (Bryan Gertzel is the lead developer).
We acknowledge the contributions of Chung-hong Chan who implemented a revised UI (involving magrittr
) in the original SocialMediaLab
package and Xiaolan Cai who has contributed to documentation.