* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/3.4/mvProbit.Rcheck' * using R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) * using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit) * using session charset: ISO8859-1 * checking for file 'mvProbit/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'mvProbit' version '0.1-8' * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking whether package 'mvProbit' can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [5s] OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking examples ... [32s] OK * checking for unstated dependencies in 'tests' ... OK * checking tests ... [335s] OK Running 'mvProbitEst.R' [96s] Comparing 'mvProbitEst.Rout' to 'mvProbitEst.Rout.save' ...2007c2007 < 51 0.253 0.246 -0.226 -0.239 -0.338 0.314 --- > mean 0.253 0.246 -0.226 -0.239 -0.338 0.314 2158,2163c2158,2163 < 51: d_y1_d_x1 0.253 0.149 1.70 0.088 . < 51: d_y2_d_x1 0.246 0.161 1.53 0.127 < 51: d_y3_d_x1 -0.226 0.193 -1.17 0.242 < 51: d_y1_d_x2 -0.239 0.072 -3.32 0.001 *** < 51: d_y2_d_x2 -0.338 0.045 -7.58 <2e-16 *** < 51: d_y3_d_x2 0.314 0.072 4.34 <2e-16 *** --- > mean: d_y1_d_x1 0.253 0.149 1.70 0.088 . > mean: d_y2_d_x1 0.246 0.161 1.53 0.127 > mean: d_y3_d_x1 -0.226 0.193 -1.17 0.242 > mean: d_y1_d_x2 -0.239 0.072 -3.32 0.001 *** > mean: d_y2_d_x2 -0.338 0.045 -7.58 <2e-16 *** > mean: d_y3_d_x2 0.314 0.072 4.34 <2e-16 *** Running 'mvProbitMargEff2.R' [17s] Comparing 'mvProbitMargEff2.Rout' to 'mvProbitMargEff2.Rout.save' ... OK Running 'mvProbitTest.R' [79s] Comparing 'mvProbitTest.Rout' to 'mvProbitTest.Rout.save' ...1027c1027 < 11 0.210 0.243 -0.148 -0.236 0.171 -0.204 0.254 --- > mean 0.210 0.243 -0.148 -0.236 0.171 -0.204 0.254 1030c1030 < 11 -0.303 0.275 -0.145 -0.404 0.300 --- > mean -0.303 0.275 -0.145 -0.404 0.300 1189,1200c1189,1200 < 11: d_y1_d_x1 0.210 0.248 0.85 0.397 < 11: d_y2_d_x1 0.243 0.264 0.92 0.357 < 11: d_y3_d_x1 -0.148 0.256 -0.58 0.562 < 11: d_y1_d_x2 -0.236 0.248 -0.95 0.342 < 11: d_y2_d_x2 0.171 0.286 0.60 0.549 < 11: d_y3_d_x2 -0.204 0.292 -0.70 0.486 < 11: d_y1_d_x3 0.254 0.141 1.80 0.072 . < 11: d_y2_d_x3 -0.303 0.145 -2.09 0.036 * < 11: d_y3_d_x3 0.275 0.151 1.83 0.068 . < 11: d_y1_d_x4 -0.145 0.197 -0.74 0.461 < 11: d_y2_d_x4 -0.404 0.407 -0.99 0.321 < 11: d_y3_d_x4 0.300 0.368 0.82 0.415 --- > mean: d_y1_d_x1 0.210 0.248 0.85 0.397 > mean: d_y2_d_x1 0.243 0.264 0.92 0.357 > mean: d_y3_d_x1 -0.148 0.256 -0.58 0.562 > mean: d_y1_d_x2 -0.236 0.248 -0.95 0.342 > mean: d_y2_d_x2 0.171 0.286 0.60 0.549 > mean: d_y3_d_x2 -0.204 0.292 -0.70 0.486 > mean: d_y1_d_x3 0.254 0.141 1.80 0.072 . > mean: d_y2_d_x3 -0.303 0.145 -2.09 0.036 * > mean: d_y3_d_x3 0.275 0.151 1.83 0.068 . > mean: d_y1_d_x4 -0.145 0.197 -0.74 0.461 > mean: d_y2_d_x4 -0.404 0.407 -0.99 0.321 > mean: d_y3_d_x4 0.300 0.368 0.82 0.415 1866c1866 < 4 0.284 0.207 -0.251 -0.185 0.207 -0.152 0.169 --- > mean 0.284 0.207 -0.251 -0.185 0.207 -0.152 0.169 1871c1871 < 4 -0.335 0.229 -0.124 -0.365 0.431 --- > mean -0.335 0.229 -0.124 -0.365 0.431 2365,2376c2365,2376 < 4: d_y1_d_x1 0.284 0.400 0.70 0.48 < 4: d_y2_d_x1 0.207 0.390 0.53 0.60 < 4: d_y3_d_x1 -0.251 0.460 -0.55 0.58 < 4: d_y1_d_x2 -0.185 0.240 -0.76 0.45 < 4: d_y2_d_x2 0.207 0.330 0.62 0.53 < 4: d_y3_d_x2 -0.152 0.480 -0.32 0.75 < 4: d_y1_d_x3 0.169 0.230 0.75 0.45 < 4: d_y2_d_x3 -0.335 0.160 -2.05 0.04 * < 4: d_y3_d_x3 0.229 0.430 0.54 0.59 < 4: d_y1_d_x4 -0.124 0.310 -0.40 0.69 < 4: d_y2_d_x4 -0.365 0.570 -0.64 0.52 < 4: d_y3_d_x4 0.431 0.440 0.99 0.32 --- > mean: d_y1_d_x1 0.284 0.400 0.70 0.48 > mean: d_y2_d_x1 0.207 0.390 0.53 0.60 > mean: d_y3_d_x1 -0.251 0.460 -0.55 0.58 > mean: d_y1_d_x2 -0.185 0.240 -0.76 0.45 > mean: d_y2_d_x2 0.207 0.330 0.62 0.53 > mean: d_y3_d_x2 -0.152 0.480 -0.32 0.75 > mean: d_y1_d_x3 0.169 0.230 0.75 0.45 > mean: d_y2_d_x3 -0.335 0.160 -2.05 0.04 * > mean: d_y3_d_x3 0.229 0.430 0.54 0.59 > mean: d_y1_d_x4 -0.124 0.310 -0.40 0.69 > mean: d_y2_d_x4 -0.365 0.570 -0.64 0.52 > mean: d_y3_d_x4 0.431 0.440 0.99 0.32 2934c2934 < 4 0.190 0.234 -0.156 -0.146 0.195 -0.149 0.198 --- > mean 0.190 0.234 -0.156 -0.146 0.195 -0.149 0.198 2939c2939 < 4 -0.353 0.208 -0.145 -0.414 0.308 --- > mean -0.353 0.208 -0.145 -0.414 0.308 3433,3444c3433,3444 < 4: d_y1_d_x1 0.190 0.380 0.50 0.61 < 4: d_y2_d_x1 0.234 0.390 0.61 0.54 < 4: d_y3_d_x1 -0.156 0.320 -0.49 0.62 < 4: d_y1_d_x2 -0.146 0.270 -0.54 0.59 < 4: d_y2_d_x2 0.195 0.360 0.54 0.59 < 4: d_y3_d_x2 -0.149 0.430 -0.34 0.73 < 4: d_y1_d_x3 0.198 0.210 0.93 0.35 < 4: d_y2_d_x3 -0.353 0.270 -1.31 0.19 < 4: d_y3_d_x3 0.208 0.360 0.58 0.56 < 4: d_y1_d_x4 -0.145 0.250 -0.59 0.55 < 4: d_y2_d_x4 -0.414 0.560 -0.73 0.46 < 4: d_y3_d_x4 0.308 0.460 0.66 0.51 --- > mean: d_y1_d_x1 0.190 0.380 0.50 0.61 > mean: d_y2_d_x1 0.234 0.390 0.61 0.54 > mean: d_y3_d_x1 -0.156 0.320 -0.49 0.62 > mean: d_y1_d_x2 -0.146 0.270 -0.54 0.59 > mean: d_y2_d_x2 0.195 0.360 0.54 0.59 > mean: d_y3_d_x2 -0.149 0.430 -0.34 0.73 > mean: d_y1_d_x3 0.198 0.210 0.93 0.35 > mean: d_y2_d_x3 -0.353 0.270 -1.31 0.19 > mean: d_y3_d_x3 0.208 0.360 0.58 0.56 > mean: d_y1_d_x4 -0.145 0.250 -0.59 0.55 > mean: d_y2_d_x4 -0.414 0.560 -0.73 0.46 > mean: d_y3_d_x4 0.308 0.460 0.66 0.51 Running 'mvProbitTest5.R' [140s] Comparing 'mvProbitTest5.Rout' to 'mvProbitTest5.Rout.save' ... OK Running 'pmvnormWrapTest.R' [1s] Comparing 'pmvnormWrapTest.Rout' to 'pmvnormWrapTest.Rout.save' ... OK * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: OK