'DataSHIELD' is an infrastructure and series of R packages that enables the remote and 'non-disclosive' analysis of sensitive research data. This package is the 'DataSHIELD' interface implementation to analyze data shared on a 'MOLGENIS Armadillo' server. 'MOLGENIS Armadillo' is a light-weight 'DataSHIELD' server using a file store and an 'RServe' server.
Version: | 1.4.1 |
Depends: | R (≥ 3.6), DSI (≥ 1.3.0), MolgenisAuth |
Imports: | methods, httr, stringr, utils, base64enc, urltools |
Suggests: | dsBaseClient (≥ 6.0), knitr, mockery, testthat (≥ 2.1.0), tibble, rmarkdown, metafor |
Published: | 2022-03-25 |
Author: | Mariska Slofstra [aut, cre], Sido Haakma [aut], Tommy de Boer [aut], Fleur Kelpin [aut], MOLGENIS org [cph, fnd] |
Maintainer: | Mariska Slofstra <m.k.slofstra at umcg.nl> |
BugReports: | https://github.com/molgenis/molgenis-r-datashield/issues/ |
License: | LGPL-2.1 | LGPL-3 [expanded from: LGPL (≥ 2.1)] |
URL: | https://github.com/molgenis/molgenis-r-datashield/, https://molgenis.github.io/molgenis-r-datashield/ |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Additional_repositories: | https://cran.obiba.org/ |
Materials: | README NEWS |
CRAN checks: | DSMolgenisArmadillo results |
Reference manual: | DSMolgenisArmadillo.pdf |
Vignettes: |
Analyse your data Develop DSMolgenisArmadillo Using workspaces |
Package source: | DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.tar.gz |
Windows binaries: | r-devel: DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.zip, r-release: DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.zip, r-oldrel: DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.zip |
macOS binaries: | r-release (arm64): DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): DSMolgenisArmadillo_1.4.1.tgz |
Old sources: | DSMolgenisArmadillo archive |
Reverse suggests: | MolgenisArmadillo |
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