gtools: Various R Programming Tools

Functions to assist in R programming, including: - assist in developing, updating, and maintaining R and R packages ('ask', 'checkRVersion', 'getDependencies', 'keywords', 'scat'), - calculate the logit and inverse logit transformations ('logit', 'inv.logit'), - test if a value is missing, empty or contains only NA and NULL values ('invalid'), - manipulate R's .Last function ('addLast'), - define macros ('defmacro'), - detect odd and even integers ('odd', 'even'), - convert strings containing non-ASCII characters (like single quotes) to plain ASCII ('ASCIIfy'), - perform a binary search ('binsearch'), - sort strings containing both numeric and character components ('mixedsort'), - create a factor variable from the quantiles of a continuous variable ('quantcut'), - enumerate permutations and combinations ('combinations', 'permutation'), - calculate and convert between fold-change and log-ratio ('foldchange', 'logratio2foldchange', 'foldchange2logratio'), - calculate probabilities and generate random numbers from Dirichlet distributions ('rdirichlet', 'ddirichlet'), - apply a function over adjacent subsets of a vector ('running'), - modify the TCP\_NODELAY ('de-Nagle') flag for socket objects, - efficient 'rbind' of data frames, even if the column names don't match ('smartbind'), - generate significance stars from p-values ('stars.pval'), - convert characters to/from ASCII codes ('asc', 'chr'), - convert character vector to ASCII representation ('ASCIIfy'), - apply title capitalization rules to a character vector ('capwords').

Version: 3.9.3
Depends: methods, stats, utils
Suggests: car, gplots, knitr, rstudioapi, SGP, taxize
Published: 2022-07-11
Author: Ben Bolker ORCID iD [aut, cre], Gregory R. Warnes [aut], Thomas Lumley [aut]
Maintainer: Ben Bolker <bolker at>
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: yes
Language: en-US
Materials: README NEWS ChangeLog
CRAN checks: gtools results


Reference manual: gtools.pdf


Package source: gtools_3.9.3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): gtools_3.9.3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): gtools_3.9.3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): gtools_3.9.3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): gtools_3.9.3.tgz
Old sources: gtools archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: ASMap, Biocomb, ClusterR, collpcm, crossdes, dice, DisHet, fCI, GameTheory, genetics, GhostKnockoff, GSM, Hiiragi2013, HUM, iCARE, IDPSurvival, integr, MasterBayes, MBttest, MDplot, MetabolAnalyze, MineICA, modMax, NBBttest, NonParRolCor, ordinalpattern, PairViz, PRECAST, regtools, ReorderCluster, rmpw, RolWinMulCor, RTCA, rvHPDT, sensory, splineTimeR, SummaryLasso, Ultimixt
Reverse imports: AgroR, AlphaBeta, ANTs, ArchaeoPhases, aRchi, archiDART, atmopt, ausplotsR, autohrf, autostats, BAMBI, baycn, bikm1, binovisualfields, biscuiteer, BloodGen3Module, bmotif, bootCT, bootnet, bpcs, bpgmm, BradleyTerry2, breakpointR, bsseq, BubbleTree, bumblebee, BUMHMM, CAGEr, CARBayesST, casper, causalDisco, ccfindR, cellscape, CeRNASeek, chimeraviz, ChIPQC, ChIPseeker, ClickClustCont, coalitions, CoClust, codacore, CoImp, combiroc, communication, compcodeR, ConsRank, conStruct, contiBAIT, CoopGame, coopProductGame, CopywriteR, crov, digitalDLSorteR, dirichletprocess, discordant, dnapath, drc, dtp, dwp, dynpanel, easylabel, EBMAforecast, econullnetr, ecospat, ENmix, epiNEM, erccdashboard, erp.easy, escalation, eSIR, expSBM, ExtremalDep, factormodel, FAMetA, fastLink, finnts, fishpond, frequency, fwildclusterboot, gambin, gdata, GeneAccord, GenEst, GenVisR, ggESDA, GGMselect, GOfuncR, gplots, grapesAgri1, HiCcompare, hier.part, hierfstat, highMLR, HKprocess, hydraulics, HyperG, icensBKL, imputeMulti, infinityFlow, ISAT, IsoCheck, isomiRs, iSTATS, kamila, KEGGlincs, knockoff, lddmm, learnPopGen, LINselect, lnmCluster, ltmix, MACPET, MaOEA, mapaccuracy, MarkowitzR, marp, mau, MCARtest, mcMST, MEDIPS, MEPDF, metaMix, methylKit, mgm, miaSim, microhaplot, microsamplingDesign, miloR, minimaxdesign, miRBaseVersions.db, missRows, mixedMem, modnets, MouseFM, MRPC, MSclust, MSRDT, muHVT, mulset, MultiObjMatch, musicatk, MuViCP, mvtmeta, nardl, netchain, NetMix, netSEM, nima, noisySBM, nparMD, NSM3, OmicInt, OncoSimulR, openCyto, OWEA, PAA, paleobioDB, pcsstools, phenopix,, PLMIX, PolyPatEx, polySegratioMM, PopED, ppsbm, preciseTAD, pRoloc, ProteoMM, protGear, PSSMCOOL, PSW, qgraph, qsea, qtlpoly, Qtools, rabhit, RankAggreg, rankrate, RareVariantVis, rcompendium, RCPmod, rdtLite, ReDirection, RegularizedSCA, reservoir, RevEcoR, revpref, rexposome, RI2by2, Rlda, RobMixReg, robnptests, rrMixture, rsyncrosim, rubias, scImmuneGraph, selectKSigs, SensoMineR, SGP, shinystan, SourceSet, SparseLPM, spkTools, spqdep, ss3sim, SSHAARP, staRdom, starvz, STEPCAM, stockR, supcluster, svs, TcGSA, textmineR, TFBSTools, tidylda, tigger, timescape, TimiRGeN, TiPS, TraMineRextras, TraRe, trialr, TRONCO, TSANN, uwedragon, validata, veccompare, visualFields, votesys, XDE, zoid
Reverse suggests: AgiMicroRna, bigPint, cats, codalm, CohortPlat, DOBAD, epigraphdb, fdapace, GeneticsPed, GLMcat, gmodels, HistData, idiogramFISH, ISAnalytics, lcra, LSAmitR, mdw, paleofire, piano, Prostar, PWMEnrich, QFASA, R.filesets, r4ss, rattle, sensitivity, vhica


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