High level functions for parallel programming with 'Rcpp'.
For example, the 'parallelFor()' function can be used to convert the work of
a standard serial "for" loop into a parallel one and the 'parallelReduce()'
function can be used for accumulating aggregate or other values.
Version: |
5.1.5 |
Depends: |
R (≥ 3.0.2) |
Suggests: |
Rcpp, RUnit, knitr, rmarkdown |
Published: |
2022-01-05 |
Author: |
JJ Allaire [aut],
Romain Francois [aut, cph],
Kevin Ushey [aut, cre],
Gregory Vandenbrouck [aut],
Marcus Geelnard [aut, cph] (TinyThread library,
Hamada S. Badr
RStudio [cph],
Intel [aut, cph] (Intel TBB library,
Microsoft [cph] |
Maintainer: |
Kevin Ushey <kevin at rstudio.com> |
BugReports: |
https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppParallel/issues |
License: |
GPL (≥ 3) |
URL: |
https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppParallel |
NeedsCompilation: |
yes |
SystemRequirements: |
GNU make, Intel TBB, Windows: cmd.exe and
cscript.exe, Solaris: g++ is required |
Materials: |
In views: |
HighPerformanceComputing |
CRAN checks: |
RcppParallel results |
Reverse depends: |
gaston, junctions, Ravages |
Reverse imports: |
AovBay, asteRisk, autocart, baseballr, bayesbr, bayesdfa, bayesforecast, bayesGAM, bayeslm, BayesSenMC, BeeGUTS, BGVAR, bistablehistory, blavaan, bmggum, bmlm, bootUR, bpcs, btb, bws, catSurv, cfbfastR, chickn, cppRouting, ctsem, cytolib, CytoML, dada2, dbmss, detrendr, diffuStats, dipsaus, diseq, DNAtools, dodgr, dtwclust, earthtide, fasano.franceschini.test, fastRhockey, fastTopics, fcirt, flowWorkspace, FLSSS, GBScleanR, GeneralizedUmatrix, GenomeAdmixR, geostan, glow, GMKMcharlie, hdtg, HIBAG, hoopR, hpa, hsstan, IncDTW, lamW, lgpr, lingmatch, MapeBay, mappoly, markets, markovchain, matrixprofiler, metaBMA, microclass, milr, mosbi, msce, MultiBD, multinma, nbfar, NestedCategBayesImpute, netboost, networkscaleup, NNS, OncoBayes2, openCR, OpenMx, oposSOM, parallelDist, patternplot, pema, phacking, PINSPlus, prome, prophet, proxyC, qualpalr, quanteda, quanteda.textmodels, quanteda.textstats, rater, RBesT, rbiom, rbmi, rcbayes, RcppMeCab, rmBayes, rmdcev, rmsb, rNeighborGWAS, roll, rPref, rstan, rstanarm, rstantools, rTRNG, rts2, rubias, SAIGEgds, SAR, Scalelink, sccomp, scDHA, scGPS, secr, sentometrics, SimJoint, skm, smam, SSDL, stan4bart, stanette, StanHeaders, StanMoMo, StMoSim, stringfish, surveil, thurstonianIRT, tipsae, TriDimRegression, tsmp, walker, wehoop, zoid |
Reverse linking to: |
AovBay, asteRisk, autocart, autoFRK, baggr, bayesbr, bayesdfa, bayesforecast, bayesGAM, bayeslm, BayesSenMC, BeeGUTS, BGVAR, BINtools, bistablehistory, blavaan, bmgarch, bmggum, bmlm, bootUR, bpcs, breathteststan, btb, bws, catSurv, chickn, CNVRG, cppRouting, ctsem, cytolib, CytoML, dada2, dbmss, densEstBayes, detrendr, diffuStats, dipsaus, DNAtools, dodgr, dtwclust, earthtide, eggCounts, fasano.franceschini.test, fastTopics, fcirt, flowWorkspace, FLSSS, gastempt, gaston, GBScleanR, GeneralizedUmatrix, GenomeAdmixR, geostan, glow, GMKMcharlie, hdtg, HIBAG, hpa, hsstan, hydrorecipes, IncDTW, junctions, lamW, lgpr, lingmatch, MapeBay, mappoly, markovchain, matrixprofiler, metaBMA, MetaStan, microclass, milr, mina, mosbi, msce, MultiBD, multinma, nbfar, NestedCategBayesImpute, netboost, networkscaleup, NNS, OncoBayes2, openCR, OpenMx, oposSOM, parallelDist, patternplot, pcFactorStan, pema, phacking, PINSPlus, prome, prophet, proxyC, psrwe, qualpalr, quanteda, quanteda.textmodels, quanteda.textstats, rater, Ravages, RBesT, rbioacc, rbiom, rbmi, rcbayes, RcppMeCab, Rlgt, rmBayes, rmdcev, rmsb, roll, rPref, rstan, rstanarm, rTRNG, rts2, rubias, SAIGEgds, SAR, Scalelink, sccomp, scDHA, scGPS, secr, seededlda, sentometrics, SimJoint, skm, smam, SSDL, stan4bart, stanette, StanHeaders, StanMoMo, StMoSim, stringfish, surveil, thurstonianIRT, tipsae, tmbstan, TriDimRegression, tsmp, ubms, walker, zoid |
Reverse suggests: |
BINtools, bmstdr, breathteststan, dce, oddsapiR, rollRegres |